Eventually, a condition of learning any art is a supreme concern with the mastery of the art. If the art is not something of supreme importance, the apprentice will never learn it. He will remain at best, a good dilettante, but will never become a master. This condition is as necessary for the art of loving as for any other art.

Erich Fromm   The Art of Loving



Seeking information and solutions is a normal human activity. What sometimes happens is an idea is picked up and used and 'experimented with' while the search for other solutions goes on. When the complete usefulness of a solution is uncertain, it makes sense not to commit too much.

Often compatible or complementary ideas are gathered from different sources and traditions. This gives a certain comfort and validation. In developing lifestyle principles, it is probably inevitable that there will be a mixing of sources. When it comes to the search for satisfaction with bodywork, however, this may play a role in avoiding 'closing the deal' and arriving at real change.

An eclectic bunch of ideas from several sources, will always appear fuzzy. It will never be completely evident what to do. It will be hard to have any regularity. While several traditions may be pointing to the same thing, each tradition is meant to be a doable practice. A hodgepodge may not be so doable.

With lack of fidelity to any practice being the cultural norm, another resistance can slip in. It is very common for a person to 'embrace' a tradition without really following the implications. For instance, in Alexander Lowen's Bioenergetics, it is possible to do some exercises that are easy and avoid others. But in avoiding part of a practice, even the smaller part, it is possible to miss the benefit. What is essential is to be consistent.